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Date : 2020-01-28
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God Creates the World Genesis 1123 Bible Commentary ~ But the world is still God’s creation which he calls “good” For more on the new heaven and new earth see “Revelation 1722” in Revelation and Work Many Christians who work mostly with material objects say it seems that their work matters less to the church—and even to God—than work centering on people ideas or religion
How God Speaks to the World How God Speaks to Us ~ Periodically God speaks to the world to deliver a Message to the world This is very infrequent perhaps only happening every few centuries God’s Message to the world is meant to last for a very long time and is meant to affect and influence the minds and hearts of people for a very long time
God and the World Ignatius ~ Peter Seewald Peter Seewald is a veteran German journalist who has done two other internationally bestselling book length interviews with Joseph Ratzinger now Benedict XVI Salt of the Earth and God and the is also the author of Benedict XVI An Intimate Portrait and the photobiography Pope Benedict XVI Servant of the Truth
Genesis 131 And God looked upon all that He had made and ~ World English Bible God saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good There was evening and there was morning a sixth day Youngs Literal Translation And God seeth all that He hath done and lo very good and there is an evening and there is a morning day the sixth
The Flood That Destroyed a World—Will It Happen Again ~ Jehovah God has the right to decide what kind of government should rule and he has chosen his Son Jesus to be King Soon God’s Ruler Jesus Christ will take the lead in destroying all the governments of this world
Satan Sin and Death in DeepTime ~ When Lucifer rebelled and transgressed against the Lord God he became the first created being to SIN and it was a long long time ago before Adam or his world was even created It was a sin documented in the Holy Bible that occurred countless eons ago
What Was God Doing Before Creation Answers in Genesis ~ In Psalm 902 we read “Before the mountains were brought forth or ever You had formed the earth and the world even from everlasting to everlasting You are God” So what was “before” creation God existing from everlasting to everlasting—God existing in eternity
When God’s Timing is Taking Too Long Joyce Meyer ~ Seedtime represents learning the will of God Each time I choose Gods will instead of my own Im planting a good seed that will eventually bring a harvest in my life If you want to be victorious you cannot afford to get pulled into the worlds system doing what you feel like doing
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