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Date : 1997-03-11
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Living fossil Wikipedia ~ A living fossil is an extant taxon that closely resembles organisms otherwise known only from the fossil record To be considered a living fossil the fossil species must be old relative to the time of origin of the extant clade Living fossils commonly are of speciespoor lineages but they need not be
12 of the most astounding living fossils known to science ~ Coined by Charles Darwin the term “living fossils” is used to describe living creatures that have stood the test of time — hardy and resilient organisms that have remained largely unchanged
Living Fossil Definition of Living Fossil by MerriamWebster ~ Definition of living fossil an organism such as a horseshoe crab or a ginkgo tree that has remained essentially unchanged from earlier geologic times and whose close relatives are usually extinct
Living Fossils Northwest Creation Network ~ Living fossils are plants or animals that closely resemble species known from fossils Many of those listed below were considered extinct and only known through fossil evidence but were later discovered to still be alive
What is a Living Fossil ~ A living fossil is an existing organism that closely resembles an extinct organism that is only known from fossil archives Living fossils tend to portray a slow rate of progress compared to other organisms making them identifiable over long periods of time
7 Amazing Living Fossils Popular Science ~ These are popularly called living fossils though that phrase is not usually used by scientists and often give us insight as to the basal or primitive forms and evolutionary history of other
Living Fossils Topic Answers in Genesis ~ Living Fossils “Living fossil” typically describes a living organism that looks like a fossilized organism but has no close living relatives by evolutionary reckoning While dinosaurs no longer walk the earth as far as we know we can still observe living examples of animals and plants that shared the world with dinosaurs Living Proof
From another era 17 animals that are living fossils ~ A living fossil is an organism that has retained the same form over millions of years has few or no living relatives and represents a sole surviving lineage from an epoch long past Many living fossils alive today have bizarre eccentric traits that make them seem more like aliens than anything from this world
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