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Date : 2006-09-01
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The Mormon Trail True Books Elaine Landau ~ The Mormon Trail True Books Paperback – September 1 2006 by Elaine Landau Author
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the mormon trail Books ~ Books Advanced Search New Releases Best Sellers More Childrens Books Textbooks Textbook Rentals Sell Us Your Books Best Books of the Month 116 of 351 results for Books the mormon trail Skip to main search results
The Mormon Trail by Elaine Landau Goodreads ~ The Mormon Trail In 1845 members of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latterday Saints also known as Mormons made their way west in order to flee from religious persecution and start a new life in the west The 1300mile trip to reach their promised land would be a difficult one This move out west would test their faith and unity as a group
Trail of Hope The Story of the Mormon Trail Companion to ~ The book The Book of Mormon told the story of two cultures the Nephites and the Lamanites that lived in the Americas during the time of Christ and claimed that Jesus had appeared to those cultures after his resurrection Many Mormons believe todays Native Americans are the descendants of those cultures
The Mormon Trail – Legends of America ~ The Mormon Trail The Mormons used many trails in crossing the Plains and through the Rockies to their haven by the inland salty sea The States of Iowa Missouri Kansas Nebraska and Wyoming were gutted and rutted with many different trails of wheelmarks made by their caravans when the first settlers came to presentday Utah
Mormon Trail historical trail United States Britannica ~ See Article History Mormon Trail in history the route taken by Mormons from Nauvoo Ill to the Great Salt Lake in what would become the state of Utah After Mormon leader Joseph Smith was murdered by a mob in 1844 church members realized that their settlement at Nauvoo was becoming increasingly untenable
I Walked to Zion True Stories of Young Pioneers on the ~ The reason being I Walked to Zion is a collection of stories by children that walked the 1000 mile journey from Iowa some from Illinois to enter the Great Salt Lake Valley of Utah Most of these pioneer children began their trip prior to their long walk on trains and ships some without one or both parents
History Culture Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail ~ Smith used these to produce new Scripture called the Book of Mormon In 1830 in western New York he organized a legal entity that would become The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints His followers who regarded Smith as a prophet became known as Mormons
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