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Date : 1999-03-01
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Biology for Kids Flowering Plants Ducksters ~ Flower Flowers are the reproductive organs of the flowering plant The main structures of a flower include Sepal The sepal is a support structure for the petal It is typically green and helps to protect and hold up the petal All the sepals together are called the calyx Petal The petals are the bright colorful leaves of the flower
Early Years Science Plant Science Flower Shop ~ The flower part of a plant smells nice and is brightly coloured to attract insects Insects help the plant to make seeds Insects help the plant to make seeds The leaf uses sunshine to make food by a process called photosynthesis
flower Definition Anatomy Physiology Facts Britannica ~ In some plants such as poppy magnolia tulip and petunia each flower is relatively large and showy and is produced singly while in other plants such as aster snapdragon calla lily and lilac the individual flowers may be very small and are borne in a distinctive cluster known as an inflorescence
Flower Science Experiments Parts of a Flower Activities ~ Stem The stem carries the water and food nutrients and minerals to the rest of the flower It travels up the stem to the other parts of the flower Flower The flowers are the part that are responsible for making food Leaf The leaves are attached to the stem and help catch sunlight and air for the flower
Kids Plant and Flower Experiments and Projects ~ Childrens Plant and Flower science experiments and science projects soaking planting growing coloring flowers grow a plant
Colour Changing Flowers Science Experiment A fun science ~ The coloured water used in this experiment demonstrates how water is sucked up through a plants stem and then makes its way to the different parts of the plant including the flower This fun experiment is a perfect beginners science experiement for children who want to learn about how flowers absorb water
Flowers StudyJams Science ~ Flowers have many parts that aid in reproduction This activity will teach students more about how these parts work together to make seeds through fertilization
What Type of Plants Are Best for Science Projects Sciencing ~ Some plants have perfect or bisexual flowers which contain both male and female reproductive parts Others like squash and cucumbers have distinct male and female flowers Easy pollination experiments can also be done outdoors in the springtime when trees like apples pears plums and cherries are in bloom
Dyed Flowers Science Experiment The Imagination Tree ~ Dyed Flowers Science Experiment March 12 2013 by Anna Ranson Set up a simple and visually stunning science experiment with the kids to explore the transfer of water through a plant This is easy enough for a preschooler to understand and makes a great introduction to practical science investigations
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